Sunday, March 3, 2013

Birds in the Field

These are some Aunt Sophie bird blocks from years ago. i tried to find out who did the embroidery...but cousin Bob didn't know. there were only 7 blocks so i had to get creative in setting them.

Someone did an awfully fine job of embroidering these birds.

I just happed to have some fabric with birds on it that worked for the sashing, too.

A St. Louis Cardinal   LOL

I know at least 2 people worked on these. this hummer is stitched 'rougher' than the other one. it seems they used a thicker kind of thread.

This hummer was stitched by the person who did all the other birds. great work

I'm thinking this bird didn't get finished. looks like he needs some toes or something

A pretty yellow bird

The alternate blocks remind me of farmers i named this quilt Birds in the Field

Glad i had enough fabrics to make it work.

I'll hang this one in the studio when it is quilted.... some day.  or perhaps at the house. I sure miss Aunt Sophie.

Talk to you...


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