Monday, March 4, 2013

Nursery Rhymes II

Finished the second quilt top with the nursery rhyme blocks. but let's ramp it up a notch...shall we?  i had this rockin' stripe/chevron that begged to be in this quilt. want a quilt to keep your child up at night?  LOL  i got one for you. it is much brighter in person.

The blue border fabric is cotton...but the rest is flannel. and i used up just about every inch of those flannels. i was piecing strips for the sashings and first border.

Three blind mice
see how they run
they all ran after the farner's wife
she cut off their tails with a carving knife
have you ever seen such a sight in your life
three blind mice

psycho farmer's wife. LOL

Four and twenty blackbirds backed in a pie
when the pie was opened, the birds began to sing
now wasn't that a tasty dish to set before the king


This little piggy went to market
this little piggy stayed home
this little piggy had roast beef
this little piggy had none
this little piggy cried wee, wee, wee all the way home

crybaby piggy

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
humpty dumpty had a great fall
all the kings horses and all the kings men
couldn't put humpty dumpty back together again.

his mother probably told him to stay off that wall

Little boy blue come blow your horn
the sheeps in the meadow
the cows in the corn
where is the boy who looks after the sheep
he's under the haystack fast asleep

i bet they dock his pay

Little Jack Horner sat in a corner
eating his Christmas pie
he stuck in his thumb and pulled out a plum
and said what a good boy am I

and his mother probably said...quit playing with your food and use your fork

Little Miss Muffet
sat on her tuffet
eating her curds and whey
along came a spider
and sat down beside her
and frightened Miss Muffet away

those curds and whey would have frightened me....i would just have stepped on the spider

Mary had a little lamb
its fleece was white as snow
and everywhere that Mary went
the lamb was sure to go

It followed her to school one day
which was against the rules
it made the children laugh and play
to see a lamb at school

teacher had a rough day

There was an old woman
who lived in a shoe
she had so many children
she didn't know what to do

so she fed them some milk
without any bread
and whipped them all soundly
and sent them to bed

then she sat down with a cold one and watched Housewives of Atlanta

Rock a bye baby in the treetops
when the wind blows the cradle will rock
when the bough breaks the cradle will fall
and down will come baby cradle and all

social services would be getting involved here

Twinkle, twinkle little star
how i wonder what you are
up above the world so high
like a diamond in the sky

I belive this is the first time i have done this in sashings before. i need to remember this....i like it.

Ok..i am all out of nursery rhyme embroidered blocks. on to something else...


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