Saturday, March 23, 2013

Re-purpose paper

I seem to go through a lot of paper. i am forever buying printer ink cartridges. occasionally, something doesn't print right .... the color cartridge is running out of ink.

Or, i print out something .... and don't need the last page

I save all those pages .... pile up 5 or 6 of them and whack them with the rotary cutter. in half one way and then the other way. no measuring...just zip and done.

Then i have a nice pile of note papers. they go in the drawer at the house that holds, pens, paper clips, scissors, and all that other 'stuff'.

They get stuck on the front of the frig with a magnet and there you have it .... grocery list.

Or ... Walmart list
Or... List of things to take to the Duck
Or... List of things to take to my sister's
Or ... List of things to do

You get the idea. i don't think i'll ever run out of lists ... but probably won't run out of paper, either. i like to think i'm like Grandma .... she never threw much away.

Talk to you ...



  1. I have done this for years ... also use the backs of things sent in the mail (when I don't stuff them into the pre-paid envelopes and send them back, that is!!)

  2. Great idea, Eileen....sending stuff back. i've done that before. i need to do that again for a while. kind of gives me a chuckle that they get their crap back....and they paid the postage for it. LOL


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