Saturday, March 23, 2013

March Git 'er Done Challenge .. finished

I am playing along with the monthly Git 'er Done Challenge that JudyL is hosting at  i am finished with my list of 4 for March.

1.  Bobby's quilt ...quilted and picked up last week. his grandma, i believe, sewed this together....some hand stitched and some machine stitched. it was quilted with clamshells.

2.  Nursery Rhymes II is now a flimsy and ready for quilting

3. Batting pieces sewed together into 4 usable battings.

4. Wanted to get 100 string blocks finished.  so far i have done 110...

60 of the How Does Your Garden Grow blocks that are 6.5" square .... and..

50 of the Mass Confusion blocks that are 10.5" square.

I will be continuing on with the string quilt blocks. those 2 stacks are only about half of what i need to make a quilt the size that i want. not surprisingly, even after 110 blocks....the string tub hardly seems to be missing any fabrics. i should keep track of how many blocks i make from this tub .... it will number in the thousands. sigh!!  anyone want some strings?

While i was working in the string boxes .... i noticed a LOT of pieces of bindings in there....leftovers from dozens of quilts. i started pulling out the binding strips...some of them are quite long....maybe 20 or 30 inches. and they are already all sized and ironed in half. so i plan on sewing all those binding strips together into one long string and use it to bind the mass confusion quilt. might as well have a scrappy binding, too.

My list for April includes:

1.  Quilt the Spiderman top

2.  Piece I Spy blocks into top

3.  Make 50 more brown scrappy strip blocks

4.  Finish piecing orange Japanese quilt with embroidered blocks and 4 patch posy borders. only have 3 blocks left to finish piecing and then put them all together. just Git 'er Done!!  already. LOL

I have one of my quilts on the machine today ... about half done. i am now going to go institute my new rule of doing something i really don't want to do .... work on that quilt... before doing something else i am itching to work on....artsy boxes.  so, i will set the timer for 1 hour and go quilt....then i can play again.... till..


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