Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A bit of garage demolition

When i was at the Duck last week sometimes it was kind of boring. the guys were hanging drywall .... it seemed like all over the house. my job was to clean up after them and just stay out of the way. LOL  i did have some furniture in the my job also was to move it out of the room they were working in and leave space for them to move around.

A couple of times i left for a while. went back to my sister's at the Beast for lunch. warmed up a bit, ate some lunch, then after an hour or so, went back to the Duck. i wanted warmer weather so i could go outside and do things. i did manage to pick up 4 trash bags worth of mulch but it got too windy and cold to finish that job.

So, i wandered out to the garage and tried to find something to do. the previous owners had put those cardboard type ceiling tiles up in there. the ones that sit in the metal grid. i hate that stuff. so i decided to do away with it. the guys were using all the ladders so at first i was using a broom handle and knocking them down. when they were done for the day, i absconded with a ladder and finished the job properly.

This is the section that has the 2 bays. all the tiles are down except for about 3 or 4 on a far wall that are over a stack of lumber and i couldn't reach them.

There was a lot of crap ..... er, stuff....up there, too. more ceiling tiles....4 large pieces of foam, that i think i might use for chair cushions .... a lot of metal pieces ..... some wood....some insulation...and,...

a huge piece of ductwork.

There is still a metal light fixture up there that i couldn't get down by myself. it is very long and heavy. need guy muscle for that. i have the tiles all lined up pretty .... ready for the trash. i took a truckload of them to my sister's and put them in her dumpster.

I'll get rid of more of them as i go over there to work. there are more of these ceiling tiles in the office part of the garage, and a back storage room, and a bathroom. so i am not through with them yet.

And the lights in the garage are currently hanging in the metal gridwork that held those tiles, so i have to figure out how to hang the lights differently so i can get rid of the grids. 

I considered storing the pieces of lumber that i am saving up in the garage rafters .... which was another reason to get rid of that horrid ceiling. but, i discovered that they did not use a full length board in the rafters. they used 2 boards and cobbled them together in the middle. so, that kills any idea of using the rafters to store anything with any weight to it. idiots!

The back bay of the garage plus the back section has a different kind of ceiling. it is a silver colored something. large sheets. i hope they aren't heavy. but right now i have birds living up in that area. so, in the summer when babies are all gone, i will take that ceiling down and get the birds all evicted and close up the holes so they can't get back in. they didn't put soffit or facia around the garage, just stuffed insulation in the rafters, so that is where the birds are coming in. that will be a nasty job, i'm sure.

But the next time i go down i have to finish installing the wall insulation so i can be ready for drywall for the walls. although we are doing plumbing i have a little bit of time. but insulation installation sucks .... just saying. the black mark on my thumbnail that i hit with the hammer stapler last year during insulation work still has not all grown out. i certainly hope i don't repeat that performance. 

I also have a pile of woodwork that i saved during demolition ... hoping to re-use it. so i also went in the office where it was piled and separated it out by type. some of it i wrote on so i would know where it came from. so that is all ready for some paint stripper. see, i told you i was bored. LOL

Today is the first day of Spring .... yeah, right....temps will be 19 degrees tonight. hahahahaha   i'll probably go back in about 3 weeks, so perhaps by then Spring will really be here and i can work outside some. 

For now, i just need to make lists, save money, and plan .... for 


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