Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Duck has ceilings

After 3 days, 30 sheets of 5/8" 4x12 foot sheets of drywall, and a few curse words, the Duck has drywall ceilings in all 10 rooms.


My man, Rick, worked hard.

His helper on this project was Drew

And all ceilings are finished. renting one of those things that holds the drywall up for you is crucial in this situation.

I have to finish my wall insulation so the walls can get drywall. but Rick tells me that stubbing in plumbing is next. because some of it will go in the walls. so, next trip will be plumbing parts. plumbing is always fun....you always wind up going back to the store about a zillion times for 1 more part ... or another.

I have been bringing pieces of furniture into the house that i find here or there at thrift stores and such. so i was going around moving furniture from one room to another so they could get in there to work. and then when they were all finished....moving it all back where i wanted it. and i can do it all over again when we work on walls. but i didn't want to leave it all out in the garage. i wanted to see what kind of space i was using and how it might look

While they were working ceilings, i cleaned up behind them and messed around here and there. i was out in the garage sorting out all the trim and baseboards that i had pulled out and saved to use again. some things i marked where it came out of ... some not. i'm gonna get some paint stripper and see how it looks after getting the layers of paint off and see how much i can re-use.

I also have 3 more doors ordered, so those will be in in about a week. so, next trip down i hope to have doors installed and plumbing installed. got to go shop for toilets and sinks and such. perhaps...


1 comment:

  1. I've been hoping for a Duck update. Drywall is major progress!


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