Monday, March 25, 2013

Strings into Bindings

I mentioned the other day about all the leftover pieces of bindings and huge wide strips in the strip box. when i was making the strip blocks, i was constantly having to cut those wide strips down to use them.

Well, i did something about that. first, i dug around .... and around... and around .... and pulled out all the leftover pieces of bindings. i am going to sew those all together into 1 long strip and have some binding all ready for the next scrappy quilt. since i make a lot of scrappy quilts, it won't take long to use that up.

Then i pulled out all the pieces that were over 2" wide. i took a packed bag of them over to the house. in the evening i ironed them all up and trimmed them down to 2" strips. the lengths are anywhere from 6" to 20". i sewed them all together into 1 large strip and wound them up on empty spools. yesterday it snowed all day so i stayed at the house and alternated between making these binding rolls and playing games on the computer. LOL

The first one i did .... the extra large one with the white strip outside....i just pulled a bunch of strips. that one took forever. there is probably enough on that roll for 2 quilts. the next ones i sort of roughly measured the strips as i pulled them out and got about 500 inches to a roll. the third time i got smart enough to tape the beginning of the strip to the spool so i could pull them tight as i rolled.

I'm glad i kept those empty spools...they are just right for rolling the strips.

And now the strip box shows some improvement. probably down about 5".

New Rule:  only put strips in box that are under 2" in width. LOL  will keep the leftover bindings separately and sew them together as i get them and roll them up. another organizational step. see, old dogs can learn new tricks. LOL

So, my first chore of the day is to sew all those bindings that i pulled out into 1 large strip. how many inches do you think i'll have? i'll let you know...


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