Monday, March 25, 2013

You guessed how many???!!!

In the last post i asked you to guess how many inches of bindings i would have when i sewed them all into 1 long strip. did you think about it? do you have a number in your head?

Was it 1000 inches?

Here they are ... all pooled on the floor...ready to measure...

I pulled them across the  cutting table to the 50 inch mark .... was it 1500 inches?

Quite a few strips there ... maybe 2000 inches?

Does it help to see that i got 7 rolls of them?    My empty spools are at the house, so i rolled on a toilet paper roll, a packaging tape roll, a large empty thread spool , and then found a heavier cardboard roll from some stabilizer that i cut down.

So, how many inches did i have?    drum roll, please ....  3,732 inches.  Holy Cow!!

That's probably enough binding for another 8 or 9 quilts. i better get crackin' 

I still have some strips to process ... iron, trim and roll .... they are at the house. i might work on those tonight .... if those computer games don't call me too hard. LOL  I kind of got into this and enjoyed seeing how many rolls i could make. some might say that was just a wasted 2 days that i could have been quilting .... but, hey, there's always .....


1 comment:

  1. Wow! You are organized!! That's a bucketload of bindings!! Get busy!


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