Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My weekend at the Duck

Thursday i went to my sister's .... for the first leg of our adventures for the weekend. we did some thrift store shopping...actually a LOT of thrift store shopping.

We found a couple new stores in Belleville. and visited our old haunts in St. Louis. i found this heavy wooden table for the dining room at the Duck.

This pic shows it sitting in the garage at the Duck....which is as far as we were able to haul it.  when i got there on Friday, i took the legs off of it and took them in and then had the guys haul it into the house on Monday when they finished working.  the legs were a bit wobbly, so i have to tighten them up. but it is pretty cool. and, did i mention heavy?

On Friday we went to an annual book sale event in Belleville at St. Paul's church. it was half price day ... which is the day that we usually show up. i managed to snatch up a few dozen books....westerns for the hubs ..... and some quilting books for me ..... a cool quilting book for my friend, Mary....and some mysteries. my sister managed to add about 100 books to her collection.

After a book sale extravaganza, the next step that evening is for me to alphabetize the books and then read the titles and authors to my sis so she can add them to her list. it is over 3000 books long now. the library is shaping up. but her books are also overflowing into the dining room, the hallway, the bathroom and everywhere in between. hahahha

After getting to the Beast ... sis's house....and unloading all her stuff....and then going to the Duck and unloading all of my stuff....we pretty much crashed for the day.

I had to get up early to meet my carpenter at the Duck on Saturday for our adventures there.

Stay tuned ....


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