Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Saturday at the Duck

Today my carpenter decided to install my 3 new doors.

First there was a front door. actually, not THE front door. previous owners enclosed the front porch ..... sooo, once you come in the front door, you are in the enclosed porch, which i am calling the foyer....then, you come through ANOTHER door (the one that was installed), into a small entry area....which then has even another door to go into the living room of the actual house....OR...yet another door to enter another room that i will use for my studio. this house has no shortage of doors, believe me.

Here is the (second) front door that was installed. those red cutains that you see through the window are on the enclosed porch...or foyer. hahaha

The door that goes into the actual house needed the casing finished off and tightened up....so that was done, too. i will repaint this door .... probably some exhuberant color....depending what color the living room will turn out to be. my first thought was red...we'll see. this side of the door is in the living room.

Then we moved to the basement door. yet, another 'door' story. previously, you came down some wicked high, dangerous steps and turned left to go down the basement. whoever put those steps in was a maniac. in order to leave room for the left into the basement, the steps were like 18" high. my short legs and arthritic knees were having problems with that. plus they just looked stupid.

So, those steps came out and new regular steps were installed. then a wall was built to eliminate that left into the basement. here is that new wall area. that open, bright spot at the right of the picture is the garage area.

Now, you go down the steps from the kitchen....out to the garage....then there is another door to the left to enter the basement. a little strange...but much better than the previous arrangement. here is the new basement door. the opening to the left of this door goes back up into the kitchen. this is the area of the garage where i will install a garage opener and drive my truck in to access the house. i have enough room in this garage to house 3 vehicles.

Another new door got installed out in the garage. the garage is a 3 bay garage with an office ... which technically makes it a 4 bay garage. .... yeah, a man's dream. LOL   the door from the office opened out into the alley and was a really, really crappy door. so that got taken out and this got installed instead.

Much more secure and looks better, too. we had to cut out a piece of carpet by the door so it would close properly and not drag on the carpet. not that i will mind....that nasty orange/brown carpeting from the 60s is coming out some day anyway. right now this office is kind of a storage room. it will get renovation somewhere down the road in a few years.

On another completely different note....did i ever show you my fancy lamp.....the shade is all different colors of glass....all welded together. pretty cool. and also very heavy. what is it with me and heavy objects? this lamp is about 100 years old according to the lady that i bought it from. i know....i have no walls....some insulation...but i have lamps, chairs and some furniture. LOL  i don't always proceed according to a normal person's plans.  but then...i never claimed to be 'normal' either.

While the guys were installing doors....i was pounding and pulling nails out of wood. i had a huge pile in the garage of boards that i saved from the demolition that were good .... plus boards that i rescued from my sister's garage demolition. these are the boards that they used many decades ago. when lumber was heavy ... there i go again with that 'heavy' thing. LOL   when 2x4s were actually 2" x 4" and not the 1.5 x 3.5 that we have today.

I had gotten a huge metal shelve to hold my boards. it kind of looks like a lumber yard display.

This is what i finished by the end of the first day...2x6s on the bottom...along with a couple of 2x8s

2x4s on the middle shelve

And, 1" thick boards of various widths and lengths on the top shelve.

This is what was left at the end of the first day. that was 7 hours of pulling nails...using hammer, flat bar and heavy crow bar. my hands were sore.

I slept well Saturday night. hahahahaha  but i had 3 doors installed, a fourth door fixed, and a wall built. plus all those nails pulled.  a good day. stay tuned for ....


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