Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sunday at the Duck

Sunday was plumbing day. time to install all those pesky pipes to carry water throughout the house.

First, the plumber (who is also my carpenter and general all around handyman), and I went to the home center so he could fulfill his long list of plumbing parts. i had brought some pipe with me....so we didn't need that....and i had brought buckets of elbows and Ts and so forth, but he still needed plumbers tape, other little doodads and whatever all those plumbing parts are called.

I sent him off with his basket to the plumbing aisle while i wandered around, checking in with him from time to time.

I made the mistake of looking in the bathroom 'furniture' aisle. i had a bathroom sink in my garage that i was going to use. it was a free one that i salvaged from my sis. it was small and not all that pretty....but it was free and i was going to use it. i only had to find a cabinet to set it on. i had been scouring thrift stores for a cabinet.

Well, I came across this at the home center and fell in love....and it came home with me. it is 36" wide...which is a bit wider than the free one that i had. the top was on a different cabinet...but i switched it out. and after a bit of negotiation with an employee at the home center, i got the top free if i bought the cabinet and took it with me that day.

I love the green of the top. the bathroom will be greens and blues...sort of a Caribean feel.

I love the rope detail on the cabinet. and the cream color. the bathroom is kind of small and i am not a fancy person....so this is great.

Then the guy said i needed to choose faucets, too. i hadn't even thought of faucets. hahahaha  so i picked this one. it really doesn't match the cabinet but i like it. it is black with copper trim. i will see if i can find the same type for the shower so at least they will match.

I was all excited and ready to have it installed. Alas, first i need plumbing...and a floor...and walls.  details, details.

So, we headed for home with my goodies and the plumber and his bag of goodies. before we even get back to the house....which is only about 2 or 3 miles....he says he forgot something. so, we stop at Ace Hardware so he can pick up a few more little goodies and head to the house.

He is cutting holes and making noises and doing plumbing things.

In about an hour i check on him to see how progress is coming. he says...i had to re-arrange something here and need blah, blah, blah. so, off i go back to the home center for 6 or 7 other plumbing parts that i wrote on a note. Ts, reducers, 90 degrees somethings....i don't know. but i get it all and make it back.

So, after about 4 hours of plumbing business ..... i have:

Bathroom sink pipes...

Kitchen sink pipes

Shower drain pipe. there are pipes going up for the showerhead, too...but i failed to get a pic of that.

There is Rick....intalling pipe for the toilet. the pipes between the studs to the right of him are pipes for the tankless water heater which will be installed above the toilet.
 would have been nice had i taken pics AFTER sweeping up the mess, right? hahaha

My ugly basement ceiling now looks like this with pipes running everywhere.

If you are a plumber and care about these things...here is a closeup for you. hahahaha

He also ran pipes to each wall to install outside faucets. but we haven't knocked out a hole and put them in yet. the laundry room pipes were perfectly fine so that didn't have to be done. but still need a pipe to vent the dryer outside.

While all that was going on....i was pulling more nails. i didn't work all day but did get a few hours in. when i quit there were only about a dozen boards left to do and my shelves are twice as filled as yesterday.

Another full day. it rained on me coming down here on Thursday, rained all day Friday, rained off and on all day Saturday, and again on Sunday. it was kind of a chilly gloomy weekend. guess what we are doing...


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