Thursday, June 6, 2013

I won something!

I link up to JudyL's website...doing the Back to Square One mystery quilt...  we are on clue 6. we get one clue a month. 

Judy picks 1 winner a month for those who show their progress for the month. this month there were 11 entries...that's 11 people keeping up with the mystery. well, of those 11...about half of them only showed blocks done...not all assembled....but it is still progress. but when we started, there were about 4 times that many that were playing. i am trying to keep up...i know once you get behind it is hard to catch up again.

Vicki Welsh sponsors the prizes for the winners. she hand dyes beautiful fabrics and you get a stash pack. which is 10 1/8 yard cuts. that's 1 1/4 yards of luscious to-die-for fabrics. i chose the Cotton Candy pack. it is all pinks.  oooohhhhh....lovely.  go take a look-see at her Etsy Shop and get you some. go to and search for Vicki Welsh.  you will be drooling.  oh, and she has her kits on sale this week, too...15% off.  the kits by Deb Levy are awesome....cats.

I love my internet friends.

Thank you again, Judy and Vicki

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