Thursday, June 6, 2013

Woodshed has a permanent roof

Always something to fix or improve. it was time for the 'woodshed' to get a permanent roof.

One thing leads to know? 

We got a wood stove...
Then we got wood....
Then we needed a place to store the wood to keep it dry...

We had dog kennels that were not being used for i drug them across the yard about 50 feet...closer to the stove....and stacked the wood in them. well, it needed a i put some plastic tarps over it...and tied the ends down. worked for a year or so.

Then the winds and sun took its toll on the tarps and it got rips and tears. so, the solution...put ANOTHER tarp on top of that. hahahahaha

Fast forward ANOTHER year...yeah, you guessed it.....tarps do not a roof make.

So, it was time for a more permanent roof. it was clear the dog kennels were never going to house dogs.....sheesh, the dog has her own couch in the house...why would she want to stay outside in a kennel.

So, hubby and a friend put on a metal roof. we now have 5 buildings with this same color metal roof...the house, the barn, the studio, the studio shed, and the woodshed. it is harder than you think to get a pic of a roof. i was standing on a milk crate...holding the camera over my head and hoping for the best. i guess that just says i am short. sigh!

There are 2x6s going across first...bolted to the frame. then the other 2 sections of the kennels are on top of that (for stability). then 2x4s on top of that....with the roof screwed down to the 2x4s. that baby is not going anywhere. it is now a permanent fixture of the farm. if the next owners want dog kennels instead of a wood shed....there is going to have to be some serious dismantling going on.

Here it is from the inside. i'm wondering if i should paint those least around the edges to keep the moisture from rotting them over time.

It has about a 5 inch overhang all around the edge. the back and one side of the back room in the shed still has tarps on the inside walls. since there was wood stacked against it...i just left it. it is the north that could keep snow from coming in on those sides.

It's a cute little woodshed. it has 2 'rooms'...2 kennels put together with a door between. each side is 10x10'. each year we use 1 side of wood and fill the other side to dry for the next year. works out pretty well.

Oh, yeah, it's also the backdrop for anchery target practice.  those rednecks!

We have 2 more trees that need to be cut down this that will fill up a good portion of that back room....that is mainly empty now. since we got the wood stove we have only had to buy wood the first year. after that, we have gotten wood from trees on our property. i can attest to the fact that it is a lot of work.....trimming and cutting trees from 40 acres and hauling it up to the pickup load at a time.

We are now out of buildings to roof so i think our roofing days are over. but i was thinking of a those need metal roofs? LOL


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