Saturday, June 1, 2013

Through the Garden

What is it about the first of the month that makes me want to be productive? i guess to be sure to have at least one good day that i have done something. hahahaha

I finished piecing the blocks together for the Through the Garden top and got the border on also. now it has to wait its turn for quilting.

The individual blocks are finished at 6". each pieced block has the same brown print down the middle, diagonally, and then the floral strips are the same on each side of the middle.

I didn't worry about how wide the strips were....they just had to be florals. or be perceived as florals.

The alternate blocks was just a floral fabric that i had from the truckload sale. and i ran out of that before i got to the the last 3 rows have a different floral print. had i noticed that sooner, i could have incorporated them into the body of the quilt more. but that is what happens when you don't plan. i seem to like to travel by the seat of my pants. makes for more fun that way. if you look at the first can kinda see that the last 3 rows have a different background color on the floral blocks.

The brown strip down the middle has the 'Daisy' song on know....daisy, daisy, give me your answer do....i'm half crazy, all for the love of you.  hahaha  hope you don't have that stuck in your head now.

It is set 12 x 15 blocks...with a 6" border. it's about 84 x 102"....give or take an inch.

Will probably get a flowery panto quilted on it one of these days. and just so you know....this top didn't even put a dent in the huge box of strips that i have.

But this finish crosses 1 thing off my Git 'Er Done Challenge list for June. i like that.

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