Saturday, August 31, 2013

Brenda's Sampler

I've been in and out of the studio for the last few weeks (between tomato canning sessions) for an hour or so at a time and finally have my friend, Brenda's quilt finished for her. It's a gorgeous sampler in indigo and gold.

The quilting doesn't really show on the front ... the thread matches too well. i did a meander in the backgrounds of the blocks.

A cable in the white border, Xs in the 4 patch border and a panto line in the final border that looks kind of like a fan.

It shows a little better on the back.

And this is what was left at the end. Whew!!  ... made it.

Hopefully canning season will die down in another couple weeks and i can get back to the studio. i have not been out there hardly at all most of this year. but i've been piecing tops .... the cabinet is full of quilting.


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