Thursday, August 22, 2013

The end

I'm at the end of the Alphabet Squares. i have half of the alphabet together for the front of the quilt. still have to assemble the back half of the alphabet squares for the back of the quilt. during assembly, some of the fusibles are coming undone. this does not make me happy.  i ironed over them again. now i don't know if i should sew around them all before quilting .... i'm thinking i almost have to. i don't want the ones on the bottom of the quilt to come undone and screw up the blocks while i am quilting. would have been easier if i did that block by block. oh, well....i'll cope.

Here are X, Y and Z

X is for ...

X-tinct dinosaur hahahaha
Xs and Os for hugs and kisses

Hambone hurt his leg and needed an X-ray   hahaha

X-ray fish


Y is for ...  yellow background fabric

Yield sign

Yacht ... hahaha  is any kid going to fall for this being a yacht?


Yak practicing Yoga


Yarn on spinning wheel

Z is for .... Zebra striped letter Z

Zzzz sound that bees make
Zap .... when the bee stings you LOL




Zebra on the ZigZag path 

And that concludes the Alphabet Squares .... you won't see these again till they are a quilt top. and it also concludes the #4 project on my August Git 'Er Done Challenge.

On to other things.


  1. Someone gave me a quilt a few years ago. I did not notice that the fused elements were not sewn down until I found all of them in the bottom of the washer.

  2. i guess that means i better get to stitching all these little devils down. thanks, Vicki. (I think .... LOL)


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