Saturday, September 21, 2013

Barn wood wall progress at the Duck

I spent several days at the Duck and worked on the barn wood in the dining room for a couple days.  i sanded a bunch of boards and got them all up.

This is the west wall....all finished.

This is the rest of that wall ... on the other side of the doorway.

And continuing around the corner to the south wall. this is where i ran out of sanded boards. i really didn't want to sand more .... it is such a messy job. so i went on to other things for the moment.

I had a can of paint .... called Foxfire ... and i really wanted to see how it would look ... so i just had to paint a wall. after all ... that wall was finished. hahaha  when they are all done i will use barnwood to make trim around the doorways and a wide molding at the top and bottom.

Here's a closer look.  i love all the dark spaces where the boards have holes and don't meet. and i like how the paint soaked into the wood and looks darker. it looks like an old barn that had been painted years ago and the paint is fading in places. it looks better in person, i think. the lamp makes it look brighter than it really is.

And this is how many boards i have left to work with. i've used about half of them. i think i will have enough to finish .... hope so.

Those drawers and doors on the back wall came from the kitchen cabinets. i'm still hoping to re-use them but they need some work.

Now when i go back it is time to sand more boards. i really was on a roll and it was going quickly when i ran out of sanded boards. i need to sand more of them next time. i did 14 rows .... 20 boards. probably go back in a couple weeks and do more.

At least one room will have walls. LOL

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