Saturday, September 21, 2013

Little table almost done

My little homemade table is almost finished.  

I was worried about having to move it around when we started putting up drywall on the walls so i got all the bits and pieces glued down. that was a job.

I also found some larger pieces to cover the holes that i cut for the legs of the table.

And i spray painted the legs. the legs look like little hoofs on goats or something. LOL

I had a $25 card from Ace, so i went over and got some grout to finish this baby up.  well, 1 quart does not cover a table this size. dang it!!  and that was the only can that they had in that color so i have to find more to finish it up. grouting is not my favorite job.

It took freakin' forever to wipe it off the little tiles. plus they were different shapes and heights, so that compounded the problem. that large blue piece is covering a hole that i cut for the legs. there are 2 blue and 2 pink.

Look what i found in the tile box... see the little mask? hahahaha  it was a button. i just cut the back part off.

And i found an elephant, too. there is a rhino on there somewhere but couldn't find it again to take his picture.

Just like in the studio .... there are UFOs.  i can finish this when i get more linen colored grout. and now that it is almost finished and i am looking at it. if you place a glass of something to drink on this table .... you better look where you place it. the tiles are different heights ..... there might be some mopping going on for a while till i get used to it. LOL

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