Saturday, September 21, 2013

Playing catch up

I was out of town all this week so when Friday rolled around i didn't have any blocks made for the Fractured Quilt ALong with Vicki Welsh over at    I didn't get home till yesterday afternoon .... so first thing on the agenda today was to catch up with a few Fractured blocks.

I got 6 made. so, i am almost half way done. gonna try and get those last blocks done this week and sew that half all together. 

It is getting easier to figure out how the blocks go now. i don't know what that means. hahahaha    i won't think on it too much.

Better get busy catching up on other projects. can't be gone a whole week .... or take the sewing machine with me. but i did work on a hand project while i was gone .... the Glory Garden. i am almost done with the last applique strip. it's a slow process.


  1. Gosh Shirley you're powering along with your quilt - it's looking really good. I made a few goofs at first with my blocks and it does take some mental work to sort it doesn't it?

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog. You don't have your email enabled so I couldn't answer it. This definitely takes some concentration at the design wall. I finally put stickers on the C blocks to make it a little easier. You really have a lot done on yours.

  3. I think you've made great progress so far... much faster than me! It does take concentration to put it together properly, but it's so worth it, don't you think? I love what you've done so far.


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