Sunday, September 8, 2013

First cushaw squash of the season --- eaten

Yum .... yesterday i made a couple of cushaw squash pies. they are sooooo good.  kind of like pumpkin pie .... only better. one recipe makes 2 pies. they never last long ......3 or 4 days, tops. hahahaha

I took 1/2 pie down to my neighbor to bribe him to come and pick the rest of my apple trees. i picked 4 five gallon buckets of green apples this morning and 2 1/2 five gallon buckets of the red apples. the green apples are larger because i picked most of the flowers off when they were blooming. i wish i had picked the blooms off the red apples, too. i'm going to be processing a LOT of small red apples. next year i will do better.

I'm going to try and make some cushaw squash bread this afternoon. tomorrow is quilt class and we are supposed to bring a treat. they all like the cushaw bread. that is my plan.

I was working in the garden this morning for a couple hours cleaning things up and it started raining so i had to stop that for a while. at least it is not really hot. this year i have decided to store the tomato cages differently. i got some S hooks and am hanging them from the top of the fence around the garden. when i store them on the ground they get all tangled up in grass that grows through them and they take up a lot of space. this way they are out of the way but accessible when i need them. genius idea i think. LOL

Gotta go quilt on the top that is on the frame .... want to get it done by Friday.


1 comment:

  1. I love that Cushaw goodies. Guess our garden did really well this year I know Shirley worked her butt off in it. Lots of goodies to eat now over the winter.


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