Friday, September 6, 2013

Fractured Quilt Along sept 6

I am piecing a quilt with Vicki Welsh .... an online quilt along. LOL   

Check it out at   

When i bought the book .... i discovered about 5 more quilts that i want to make. thanks a lot, Vicki. LOL

Here is where i am at the end of the first week.

I got 14 blocks done. first i did the As and Bs .... and then 6 Cs. now i have to make some Ds to fill in the holes. 

It took me a bit to wrap my head around this. some pieces have to be cut right side up and some wrong side up to match the pattern. i had a couple false starts. it takes a clear head ...... no drinking and sewing here.....or midnight tired sewing.  

Gotta go make more for next week's report.

Thanks Vicki for the heads up on this great pattern and the great book, too.


  1. I have the same problem with that book. It's a really good one! Love your blocks!

  2. I love them too. You got a lot done for the first week.

  3. Gosh you have been busy too! Like your blocks and pleased to read that I'm not the only one to work out that there are two different ways of cutting!

  4. Hi. When I took the class with Kathy we cut them all right side up. But I'm making another one with two friends here at home and they wanted the fat (or thin, as the case may be) to mirror each other so they did end up cutting some with wrong sides up. I rather like the juxtaposition of the fatter next to the thinner but that's just me. I'm loving seeing everyone's different variations. Have yet to figure out how to get the "button" to work so I can post my progress.

  5. Looks great - and you sure have been busy!
    Thanks for the heads up for cutting. No cutting/ sewing under influence for me ;-)

  6. I've pulled my fabrics . . . you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of me!


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