Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First cushaw squash of the season

Normally i would not have picked cushaw yet, but this guy was on a vine that was dying off his time was close. but the real reason i picked it was i noticed it had a split in it. whoa....i had never had one do that before. i had to do some research and found out it was from too much water. oh, oh.....better cut back on watering.

Here he is .... split and all...poor little (big) guy. the split is about an inch deep ... but it sort of heals itself over. i don't have any kind of bugs on these ... remarkable. last year i was knocking those beetles off them right and left. but the rind is so thick and hard that they can't hurt them anyway. it takes quite a bit of muscle to cut them up for cooking. 

Here is his good side. i like to never got that cut off the vine. i had my hand clippers with me but the stem was almost 2 inches thick.  he is 23 inches tall and 37 inches around his fat belly. those are quarts of tomatoes there beside him. they look like jelly jars. hahahaha

And, he weighed 28 pounds.  i don't think this is the largest one out there, though.  

I am using my largest pot and am on the second load of cut up pieces to cook .... and that is only the neck. i have to go to town tomorrow and get more containers to cook up the bottom and get him into the freezer. there will be cushaw pies tomorrow. yummy good.

I am going to try and winter them in the barn this year. but in jim's recording studio LOL   it is insulated for sound and i will put a heater in there. if i can keep it at 50 degrees they will be good. i don't have enough freezer space to cook up all that i have .... there are at least 20 more in the garden. 

They might be sitting on the couch in the living room this winter. hahahahahaha

1 comment:

  1. OMG. Here I thought my butternut squash were big. You have me beat all to hell !!!


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