Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October Git 'Er Done Challenge

October seemed to fly by.....and i am finishing my git 'er done projects today. nothing like last minute scrambling. things i had to do:

1.  Pressure can some cushaw squash. DONE!  so far i have canned 9 quarts.  more to come.

2.  Clean out my studio and get things on eBay.  Started!....6 items on eBay as of today....doing 3 a day. have a few weeks worth yet to do. but i am calling this done since i do have some out there.

3.  Trim up all the apple trees.  DONE!  as a bonus, the bigger apple tree branches got saved for the smoker.

4.  Dye my t-shirts that have been waiting for me. DONE!  i dyed 7 t-shirts. like getting a new wardrobe. Also dyed 2 fingers dark purple. hahahahaha  gloves apparently had holes.

November's list might look a bit like October's....but, hey.....that is what i have to get, so be it.

1.  Get at least 12 more items listed on eBay....get that studio cleaned OUT!!

2.  Finish piecing Antebellum. just needs sashing and borders.

3.  Finish piecing Glory Garden. 1 more pieced row to go; 3 more embroidered rows to go. then put together.

4.  Pressure can at least 4 more quarts cushaw squash.

We are nearing the end of the year and i hoped i would have more of my UFOs completed this year. I completed 30 UFOs but also pieced about 30 new projects, too. that is not exactly helping me. i need to try and be more diligent in 2014 with those UFOs.  the to-be-quilted cabinet is full ..... minus the one i have on the frame now...LOL. I need a quilting plan for 2014 and a whip and handcuffs to tie me to the sewing machine to finish more UFOs. sigh!!!


  1. Congrats on getting your October list done! Have a good November. ~Melanie

  2. Love how you've included canning and life on your list. And what do you do with the canned cushaw squash come winter? Making great progress here on eating local most of year, mine and farmer's market.

  3. Cushaw squash is amazing in pies and breads and muffins. anywhere you can use pumpkin, you can use cushaw.


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