Friday, November 1, 2013

Back to Square One, Clue 11, done

This month's clue was easy and fast. i pretty much had it figured out already. as did some of the other participants.  i am thinking we are down to just plain borders left to do. probably 2 or 3 of them. of course, the last 6 rounds were technically borders, so who knows. Judy is sometimes surprising.

When i see all of that white makes me wish that last maroon border was white....then the white space wouldn't be cut in half. i might have to take that maroon off and replace it with white. then i can quilt feathers all around in the white. what do you think?

Judy, this was a great quilt. can hardly wait for next year's. 

Thanks for sharing with us and letting us sew with you.


  1. Your quilt is really coming along. I love your color combo! It is going to be a beauty. Will this be a gift or will you keep this one?

    1. will probably eventually wind up on eBay. i have stacks and stacks of quilts i am trying to sell.

  2. I think it's lovely just as you have made it. I have a Granddaughter-in-law who would be thrilled with it!

  3. I think either would work. How much do you like to rip?


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