Sunday, November 10, 2013

Red Center top is finished

I got 2 borders on the Red Center quilt top and called it done. it is pretty large. about queen size. thanks again to Vicki for bringing this to my attention.

The borders are a different red print. i used all the red and purple print that i had for the center....i had 2 5" squares left. and all of the red and blue print for the border....2 8" pieces of that left. so it worked out ok. more out of the stash....but more in the to-be-quilted cabinet.

Today was reporting day on MQR to confess how many UFOs and WIPs you have plus how many unquilted tops. i am almost embarrassed to say my totals were:

WIPs...7   these i am working on presently
TBQ....70  the to-be-quilted cabinet is about full. i need a new plan for those.

But i did finish 36 UFOs this year....problem is i probably added a couple dozen back in the piles. and now have more to be quilted.  it's a vicious cycle. will i ever be finished? i don't want to die before they are all done. LOL    hear that God?  LOL


  1. Sweet! Didn't you have more than 100 UFO's the last time you reported? I do remember feeling overwhelmed by you numbers!

  2. yeah...i did. i worked hard on UFOs this year. but have slacked off the last couple months. gotta get back in the groove.


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