Friday, November 8, 2013

Red Center

This is another quilt from Kathy Doughty's book. it is the third quilt i have made from this book. 

I still need to put borders on this bad boy but so far it is 80" x 95" and i like it a lot.

I never would have used this red fabric for anything else but it seems to work here really well.

That is all i have of this red print, so that is as far as the middle goes. the second darker yellow pic is the truer representation of the colors.

I have another red floral print that i will use for the border(s) far as it goes. 

I want to make another. these pieces go together so quickly. i cut them all...then chain piece them all...then add 2 pieces together....then made 4 pieces...then 8 pieces.  fun, fun, fun.    

Thanks to Vicki Welsh for suggesting the book. sometimes she gets me into trouble....but not this time.


  1. WOW! Love that quilt and the fact that the design helped you to use something from your stash that you might not otherwise have used. It looks fantastic. If I can ask, which other two quilts did you make from the book? Just found your blog so I missed them. Thanks for sharing the inspiration! Kathy Doughty

    1. Kathy...i made Fractured and Antebellum. love that book.

    2. Kathy...i made Fractured and Antebellum. love that book.


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