Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The 65 pound quilt

Last year i was in an online embroidery group....The Crazy Quilt Journal Project. the idea was to make one crazy quilt block each month and then log onto the site and show what you did. well, i figured if 12 crazy quilt blocks was good....well, then about 100 of them would be better...right?  and ... over-achiever that i am....made 9 blocks each month....different colors each month. at first i was going to put the colors all together into a 9 patch and then piece the 9 patches together. when i tried that, i didn't like it. so i took them all back apart and just pieced them willy-nilly.

Well those blocks had lots and lots of stuff on them....buttons, beads, rick rack, braids, pictures, and all kinds of doodads. hahahaha  I got the top all pieced together and put it in the to-be-quilted cabinet. it was taking up entirely too much space in there so i pulled it out last week and decided to quilt it up. is 100" x 107"  and weighs about 65 pounds. my poor longarm. I did a curvy line around the seams of the blocks and then just did a large meander around each block to hold things together. it was a chore to not run over anything that would break a needle. i am really surprised that i did not put a needle through my finger....i was really close to that needle for most of the quilt.

Luckily i didn't have any incidents quilting it. there was one place that had a heavy piece of lacy stuff that the longarm didn't want to sew through so i went around that.

I don't know what will become of this quilt as i don't like heavy quilts on me at night. i guess i could leave the furnace off and open a window....then it might feel good. LOL  hubby says no way.

It was really cool to make all the blocks and i sort of got to relive the experience as i was quilting them.

This block has so much stuff on it that you can hardly see the fabrics.

This one has a piece of sweater in the middle with a floral design

There are several tassels on the quilt....this is the longest one.

This little elephant came from India. i bought him and the colorful braids that have the shiny 'gemstones' on them. the package came to me from India in a muslin bag that the lady had sewed shut. she told me that is the way they ship things in India. I incorporated that bag into the quilt, also.

Here's another tassel and some buttons on a black block.

This one has lots of stuff, too. see the tape measure ribbon?

That last block has a little nest with beads in it.

It surely was fun to put this quilt together. makes me want to make another one. i do have lots of embellishments yet to use up.

Here is a link when i was showing it last year.... hope it works.

if you want to see more....go back from there.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun quilt! I love heavy quilts. You wouldn't be Lithgow many blankets I sleep under..... until I have a hot flash!


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