Sunday, October 5, 2014

Tell it to the Stars for October

All the blocks are made and assembled. this year's mystery quilt from Judy Laquidara is almost done...the next 2 months will be borders....she says 2 plain and 1 pieced. 

I just noticed that my little squares going horizontally and vertically are the opposite way from what Judy designed...sigh!!   if it can be screwed seems like i can do it. is what it is. i'll just be the rebel.

The blocks were fairly simple and we only did 2 a month so it was easy to keep up.

The only thing i wish i had done differently was not use that yellow stripe for the background. i gave up early in the game trying to keep it all going the same direction. 

So, although it doesn't look exactly like Judy's......i'm happy with it. and i'll be happy to get that stack of fabrics off the table in the's been sitting there all year. occasionally i wanted to use some of it for something else but was afraid i would run out and not have enough to finish this top. so, a few borders and the rest of the fabric can go back into the stash. 

Wonder what next year's mystery will be?  do i have to even bother to try and talk myself out of doing it? we all know i'll do it.  sigh!!   i'm so easily led. hahahaha

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on getting the top assembled. I am just about 1/2 done and hope to complete by the end of the month


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