Saturday, October 4, 2014

Vicki's Quilt Along...Drunkard's Path

Well, Vicki has sucked me in again....this quilt along is using Drunkard's Path blocks. i wasn't going to play this time.....really.  i don't like piecing the curves.  but, Vicki had a link to a video showing how to make the blocks without curved piecing. so, i watched....and was hooked. sigh!!!

I cut my squares and circles.....using Accu Quilt....thank goodness. Using brown 5" squares and various blues for the 3 1/2" circles.   got them all fused together....and cut apart...and then started sewing.

The browns in the problem

The blues in the middle....oh, oh.  i was at the studio when i fused...and used Heat N Bond.  bad choice.  i didn't notice till i was finished that it says you are not to sew through that stuff.

Well, they are right. hahaha   it is kind of thick.....but after 2 thread was shredding.  well, dang it!  so all those went in the trash.....the only good part was that is 3 yards of fabric out of the stash. hahha

So, today i started again. i spied this brown and black fabric in the stash that looked interesting....and decided to use it for the circles. that meant the squares had to be blue. 

So, this is plan B.  i will fuse them up this afternoon and cut them up and start stitching back together. i have 96 squares and circles. that won't make a very large quilt at a 4.5" i might wind up cutting more.  we'll see.

So, i am in for the quilt along.....maybe just for one.....but i wouldn't want to pass and miss all the fun. hahaha

Thanks, Vicki.


  1. You are so good at looking on the bright side......3 yards out of the stash!

  2. It will be fun seeing this come together!

  3. That Vicki! Sucking us in with her lovely plans! You got me to laughing! That is one way to blast your stash! Hope round two goes better for you! I purchased fabric for the DP but will use some pops of fabric from my stash. It shall be fun seeing what everyone comes up with design-wise.


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