Sunday, December 7, 2014

ABC Crazy Quilt progress

Here are some more blocks for the alphabet crazy quilt that have been finished. i am now at a stopping point for a bit until i dig around in the bin and find more things that i need.

F is for....frog, fireflies, fish, flip flops, football, fence, french fries, February

G is for .... gardening, glasses, guitar, giraffe, golf tees, goat, grasshopper, grapes

H is for .... horse, heart, hippo, hot dog, hammer, hedgehog

K is for ... koala, kangaroo, knife, kitten, kokopelli, key, kite, kiss

L is for ... lighthouse, lemon, lime, license plate, leaf, lamb, lock, lion, lightning bolt, lobster, letters

M is for ... monkey, Mario, mummy, music, money, mustache, mushroom, mouse, motorcycle

P is for pear, pencil, pinwheel, pirate, pancakes, purse, peas, pizza, pickle, puzzle piece

R is for ... rose, rooster, rocket, ring, raccoon, reindeer, rabbit, rocks, ram, racquet, rainbow

S is for ...strawberry, sneakers/shoes, statue of liberty, snowflake, snake, spring, snowman, saw, star, shark

T is for .... tree, telephone, teapot, thimble, turtle, tow truck, three, taxi, tractor

W is for ... whale, wheels, windmill, wagon, wand, worm, web, watermelon, wooden spoon, wrench

These are pretty cool...but intense. haha   i am thinking i will definitely need sashing between the blocks or your mind might explode.

Isn't it wonderful what you can find in fabrics these days?    knives ....taxis... .mustaches ....amazing.  gotta love those designers.

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