Sunday, December 7, 2014

Victorian Houses

I love Victorian houses...wish i had one. so, when i found these blocks in the Aunt Sophie inheritance stash, i knew i had to do something with them.

They were pieced on December 30, 2012...and have been waiting till today to be quilted.

There were 2 different sizes of blocks so i had to get creative to fit them all together. EQ is my friend.

Just added log cabin blocks and tree blocks in the size that matched the small houses and wiggled them all around till they all fit.

Don't know why i didn't take a pic of the tree block. i think i just wanted to be done. when i started to quilt it this didn't have the pink border so i added that before quilting. it looked naked without a border.

The back is something wild that was in the stash. trying for a no fabric buying zone here. shoot....come to think of it...this might have come from Aunt Sophie also. haha

So, that is one more out of the to-be-quilted cabinet. tomorrow is class day but perhaps Tuesday i can get another little something quilted up. 

If you like specifics, it is 53x65"...i used pale pink Glide thread for the top and aqua So Fine for the bobbin.

And it was quilted using Suzanne's meandering magic in feathers.

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