Monday, May 25, 2015

Final piece on the graffiti door at the Duck and moving on to the next wall

I spent a couple days at the Duck and installed the final piece of graffiti art around the front door.

last piece.jpg

here are some close ups...purple, brown, black

purple right.jpg

brown right.jpg

black right.jpg

My next section i want to do is the wall to the left of the door. this side will have a tree with a branch that holds a swing....with a little boy on it. the good thing about hanging graffiti art is that you don't have to finish the wall or paint it....just glue stuff over it. haha    and i can draw on the wall and it doesn't matter.

wall right tree.jpg

Here is my initial drawing .... painted.  i realize i need to move the worn swing path over a bit to be under his feet. no problem.  my other concern is the horizon line.....jean do i make that look more realistic.....i'm thinking it is in the wrong place....should it be up higher?  i intend to put some flowers and things in the grass at the bottom. 

drawing on luan.jpg

I cut the luan into 4 sections so they wouldn't be too heavy to hang up there once i got them all glued up.  i did some gluing on the boy at the Duck so i wouldn't have to just bring home small bits of colors for him.

boy done.jpg

I love the 'toe' beads and the fish on the legs. haha  boys are all about fishing


I had this little leather 'arm' that i had to use....wish i had another. my sister says it is creepy. haha

boy arm.jpg

His shirt needed a super hero....whoever he is

boy shirt.jpg

And now i am thinking the shorts should have been a different color....perhaps orange. since there will be a lot of blue and green here.

boy shorts.jpg

hubby says i don't seem to be working on the house.....just playing with graffiti.  and he would be correct. hahahahahaha

And i did glue up some game boards for my office walls and added some signs to the dining room can check that out on my blog.


  1. Oh my gosh, that is going to be super cool! Your sister is right, the hand is a little creepy. But it's still cool.

    1. Thanks, Vicki....i am having more fun than the law allows.


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