Tuesday, May 19, 2015


This bright lovely belongs to my friend, Carole.  these colors are pretty much out of the box for her. she likes feathers....so she got lots and lots of feathers....in all of the red, white, and blue fabrics. 

It is 60 x 72"


The middle got crossings....from corner to corner and in between. that was not what i had in mind....but it is what happened. haha

middle crossed.jpg

Middle red feathers were kind of large .... i put veins in them.

red middle vein.jpg

Blue feathers got curls. yellow parts got CC....green blocks got Xs.

blue curl.jpg

White got the molar feathers

white molar feathers.jpg

Red corners got traditional feathers

red corner traditional.jpg

At first i was going to do a swag in the border but didn't think it would work....so i went loosely around all the flowers and then did pebbles on one side and lines on the other side.  and i just had to go around that little blue edge....both sides. 

border 2.jpg

Here is the back....another out of the box for Carole. she doesn't piece backs.


But some of the quilting shows in the plain blocks.

back close 1.jpg

back close 2.jpg

Glide thread in a goldenrod color for the top and a tan So Fine for the bottom.

Gonna deliver it on Thursday, on my way to the Duck. This got loaded the day before i got sick....so it has taken 6 weeks to get it done. i hope she thinks the wait was worth it.

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