Sunday, May 3, 2015

Other work at the Duck

As i made trips to the Duck in the winter....i just dropped off things that i had found at yard sales and thrift shops. this trip i finally got everything hung up.

The veggie wall is coming right along. this is the main section

And here it is traveling to the left....over the doorway

These are the new things that were added....the 6 little seed packets around the bigger signs



Market sign




Lettuce, radishes, beans

I added 4 new stars to the star wall.....the 3 at the top....and the gold on the right

My sister and i were checking out an antique store and i found the cutest little veggie people. some of them were minus an arm or a leg. at first i only got the good ones......then i looked at them again and could not leave the 'handicapped' veggie people behind....haha...... so i bought them all.

They are the cutest things i have ever seen.

I got a 1x4 board and painted it and attached it above the doorway and glued the veggie people up there. they just make me smile.

I also put down some baseboard on the next graffiti wall in the entryway. i wanted to get it down first so i didn't miscalculate the graffiti pieces and it not fit later. and i painted it black.... just because i could.

I brought the next section of graffiti home with me to glue up stuff on the purple, brown and black section. then that section around the door will be finished and i can start on the wall.

Who knows when the rest of the house will be a furnace or plumbing or such. hahahaha   graffiti is much more fun.

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