Sunday, May 3, 2015

Progress on the graffiti at the Duck

I just got back from a couple days at the Duck.  I put up the red, orange, green and blue sections that i had glued up at home. now i only have the purple, brown and black section left to do on the right hand side.

O R G B section.jpg

Orange section is rather small. at the top of the orange section there is a little creature that looks all spiky. if you thump his head.....there is a light that flashes about a dozen times. i have thumped the poor little guy....a lot. haha

orange red.jpg

Red section has a small slinky on the bottom....see it?

red  slinky.jpg

Pay attention to that plane that is camoflauged

green  plane.jpg

Open the plane and get a gator....haha

green plane open.jpg

green blue.jpg

Glad i found some gears....i like them

blue top.jpg

I filled the cow cookie cutter with beads.

blue bottom.jpg

I found a button in the gift shop several years ago and it says 'Doing strange things in the name of art'.  i love that button. so, i dug out my graffiti blocks and put them up in the entryway. they are not glued down...just sitting there.

doing  saying.jpg

I used different blocks...wood, foam, etc.  different sizes.....i like it


And in another corner i used blocks again to spell out "graffiti rocks".  

graffiti rocks.jpg

I also got my house numbers put up. and a few more blocks around the door.

house numbers.jpg

I am going to graffiti the wall next to the front door next....on the inside. i believe i am going to do a scene. i drew a tree with a boy on a swing and a rainbow when i was down there. when i go next time i will cut a piece of luan to fit that space and start on that.

I will have more pics on my blog later this evening or tomorrow to show other things i did while i was down there. hung up a bunch of veggie pics on the dining room wall.....added more stars to the star wall.....and found the cutest veggie people.....bought them all.....and put them on a shelf above the doorway. 

I am in love with graffiti stuff....and this will be the craziest house in the neighborhood. hahaha  i'm gonna be the crazy lady that the mothers in the neighborhood warn their children about. 

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