Monday, February 6, 2017

Leather Square in a Square

This one is for me!!   All squares are leather; black for the middles; various colors for the corners. Some leathers are thin, some thick; some are shiny; some flat; some are slick; some suede; some from jackets or coats; some from purses, all are quiltable. The top started at 58x66 and wound up at 57x65, losing an inch in each direction with the quilting. It is rather heavy.

It was pieced last is my first, of 4, finishes that are on my list to do this month. Some swirls and some CC through the blocks and sashings....i like things that allow me to travel all across the row in one pass. I did SID around the blocks along the way, and SID around the black middle square.


I just love when I find great the lime green and baby blue. white is really hard to find.

lime and brown.jpg

purple and red.jpg

The sashing and border is some pillow ticking that I got from a lady at a retreat last year. The side borders are darker than the sashing and top and bottom borders. I ran out of the light and just used the darker, too. It is rather thick...kind of upholstery weight.


The back is a piece of lizard upholstery fabric that i got from the same lady. I've been wondering where i was going to use that. Binding was leftover blacks and browns from other projects. Since this one is for me, I used up leftover pieces of batting. There is probably 20 pieces of batting in this quilt...various kinds. It all works for me. 


The back was just a Liiitttttlllle too small, so i added some black spiderweb fabric to the edges. haha

back edge.jpg

Threads I used were Glide Cork and So Fine Cream


Next up is #2, of 4 projects for the month.

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