Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Search and Find

In Judy's UFO challenge, she picked #9 for this month....this is mine. The top was all put together....for quite some time....I just needed to finish embroidering the words on a border and a half, put the borders on, and quilt it. This is my second, of 4, finished for the month.

I made 5" blocks...half black and half a picture. When piecing the blocks, I changed up the way they went; when piecing the top, I put them any which way.... but usually facing up the correct way. I used a really fat batting. The top started out as 68x80 and after quilting was 66x78...lost 2" each way with the fat batting. 


Machine embroidered all the words in the borders


I tried to make the words all the same height....but sometimes i forgot to change it....and sometimes it just didn't work.

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Back is a muslin. This is a very quick and easy way to quilt squares.


Glide Key Lime for the top and Superior Highlights lime for the bobbin.


Binding was various leftover red and orange bindings from previous projects.

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