Monday, March 20, 2017

Laundry Day

Thanks to VIcki .... who showed her laundry day quilt ... i had to make my own. it was too cute to pass up.

I used faux leathers on mine..... from purses cut up. When I was collecting leather, i ventured from jackets and coats to purses. ... and i did find many leather purses.  but.... there are amazing colors in faux leathers.... made in china.... so, i got them, too. i just use them in things that won't get laundered. It is about 16" square.


The little detached string quilt is also faux leathers


I used a fat piece of batting i had laying around....and it worked just fine. I didn't even use a leather needle on this piece.


Back was a piece from the stash.


I used threads to match the colors. all Glide. bottom thread was silver in Bottom Line.


Vicki said she was going to make several mini quilts for hers, so she could change with the seasons...i think i will just stop at this one. but, who knows..... i reserve the right to change my mind. haha

When I started cutting up the purses, i was throwing out the handles.... and giving my son the metal stuff. lately, i have looked at the handles and thought....'i wonder if i could use those for hanging small quilts'.  haha    so, i now have a tub of handles. i might use one of these to fashion a hanger for this piece.


1 comment:

  1. I love your version of "Quilter's Laundry Day". The leather look is amazing. Thanks for sharing!


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