Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Scrappy, patchwork quilt .... for my dog

The scrap tubs are full again....time to purge.  normally, i spend days cutting scraps into usable strips and squares. but this time i had a brilliant idea to just use them as is.

I pulled out the blue box and decided Breezy needed a blue quilt.  i had a piece of fuzzy upholstery in the stash...36x58. and some fat batting scraps.... sounds like a plan. i loaded the backing and batting. ... i didn't want to quilt straight onto the batting. so i put a piece of muslin down first. then just laid pieces down and quilted around them. and quilted them down as i went with a scribble design. the first day i got this much done.


I finished it up today. it doesn't even look like anything came out of the scrap box. maybe i'd just be better off to throw it all out and start over. haha   i have enough scraps to make everyone on MQR a dog blanket for their dog. sigh!!

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Here it is all finished up. I quilted it with bright neon yellow used leftover binding strips in yellow also. 


all the edges are raw, so there will be some raveling when it gets thrown in the washer. it will just make it fluffier. haha

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Here is the back.


Breezy is laying on it now .... i guess she likes it. she didn't even sniff it first. haha

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