Saturday, August 18, 2018

Crumb Blocks with Black Borders

I had a tupperware container full of bits and pieces, so last week I decided to make crumb blocks with all of them. I already had several blocks partially made just using them as leaders and enders. but the box couldn't hold any this is what happened. When i finally used up all the pieces and counted....I needed one more. I couldn't face making another i got a strip block from the 'extras' box and used is on the bottom left....the blue striped one.

The crumbs blocks were 6.5"....then i added 1.5" borders. so, the blocks were 8.5" before piecing together.

Some blocks have many pieces.

There is every color and pattern there

I was sewing bits together to use as strips for some rounds, just to use up the pieces. i had more tiny pieces than larger ones.

It is now about 56x64".  I'll decide if it needs a border before I quilt it.

I am now going through more boxes of bits and pieces and cutting them into 1.5, 2, and 2.5" pieces. and throwing out the odd shapes and tiny, tiny pieces. it is hard to throw stuff out but i am determined. hahahaha

It will go in the to-be-quilted cabinet to await its turn for quilting.

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