Thursday, August 16, 2018

Jungle Cats

Another finish for today.  The fabric with the cats on it used to be a shirt that I made for myself....many moons another life...when i was thinner. then i got fatter and couldn't wear it. i really liked that shirt.  it got put away and i recently found it again. i cut it up and made a quilt out of don't have to be thin for a quilt. hahaha


The border fabric came from my sister's de-stashing. When there is not enough to go around, well, just add another cat to the corner. and that block got pieced with a few little pieces to make it fit. there was some creative piecing in this one.


It is 51x53". I pieced it April 19...of this year. so, it didn't wait very long at all to be quilted. I still have bits and pieces of the cat fabric, so it will find its way into scrap quilts as crumb fact, i am using some of it now in crumb blocks that i am making.


The orange and yellow and brown tree fabric was something i got at JoAnns for backing. I have about used it all up. It seemed to blend in here just fine.


Backing came from the stash.....formerly my friend, Mary's, stash. I get a lot of fabric from friends.


I used a panto called Bright and Breezy by Lorien Quilting. You literally cannot see the thread or the quilting on this one. Top thread was Glide Bark...bobbin was So Fine light brown.


Binding was once again leftovers from other quilts. I still have a whole basket of binding pieces to use up....also a lot from a friend.

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