Sunday, September 30, 2018

UFO finishes for September

Well, my embroidery machine died early in the month....and is still in the, embroidery UFOs did not get completed. I was working on two...

Hola Mola ....

There are 3 different sizes of each and I am making them all.

I think these are so darn cute

And...lighthouses....which was my #4 that Judy picked.

I got these 4 blocks finished before it died.

But, since I didn't have an embroidery machine....a lot of quilting got done.

Birds of a Feather

2017 Buttermilk Basin BOM


Finger Puppets Alphabet

Crumb Blocks with brown borders

I Love U doll quilt

Kindred Creatures by Laurel Burch

McKenna Ryan's Home Tweet Home

Mitosis (this was my #4)...

Christmas Snow Globes table runner

Christmas Scenes

String Theory

The Rainbow Quilt

And, 4 doll quilts

And i did get a couple of tops pieced. This is Architectural Gem

And, Meow....different cat prints

And I cut out the parts for Misty. I saw this ad for the fabric line in a magazine and liked,

These are my borders and binding

And, these are the block pieces.

Now, I am anxiously awaiting the new number for October to see where that takes me. hope everyone had a great UFO quilting month. I actually have a bit of space in the to-be-quilted cabinet.

4 Doll Quilts

Well, it's the last day of the month ..... and i didn't want to start anything big, since I will get a new UFO number from Judy tomorrow to start October's i dug out some doll quilts that I still have to quilt up for Amy (A Doll Like Me).  

I got 4 of them quilted today. A couple using animal prints. I used my board to make these quick and easy. this one has puffy batting (leftovers).



I like the animal faces in the border of this one. i wish i had more of that fabric. I used the same thread on all 4 of these...Glide bright yellow for the top and Bottom Line Cream for the bobbin.


I had all the tops and backings and bindings together....just had to give them a quick quilting.


And these 2 with sailboat fabric. I believe I have used up all my kid friendly fabrics now. I put wavy lines across in the sailboat sections and stars in the star sections.


That should have had another strip of gold star fabrics at the top....don't know what went awry there. 


I cut squares from the last of the sailboat fabric and star fabrics and added a few others to match and got one more little quilt.


I put wavy Xs in the blocks.


I believe i have 6 or 7 more to quilt up. I really need to get on those and finish up this project. 

It's amazing how much quilting I get accomplished with the embroidery machine in the shop. haha ...... but I do wish it would come home soon. my embroidery UFO for the month did not get finished. 

The Rainbow Quilt

This was another pattern from Vicki Welsh. She made several of these with her hand dyed fabrics. I used the last of my own hand dyed fabrics for mine and then used some commercial fabrics to finish it up. it is 64x70. I finished piecing it 2 years ago, almost to the day. 


I even cut brown and white striped fabric for binding instead of using leftovers. haha


Did CC in all the blocks. 


I had part of a wide back in the stash that was almost long i added about 5" to the end of it...and it worked out.


Vicki's is much better. she put on a border with triangles that were colored and with black background.  Here is hers:

I used Glide Key Lime for the top and Bottom Line Cream for the bobbins.

Friday, September 28, 2018

String Theory is quilted

I love quilts that allow me to use up my billion pieces of scraps. haha   I don't have a note as to where I found the pattern, but it came from a quilting magazine. I basically just saw it and drew it out. It is just a giant 9 patch...blocks are 20". the pieced rows were done as leaders and enders over several months.

I finished piecing it back in March. it is 60" square


The middle square finishes at 4" and each row is finished at 2". 


I made the pieced rows on foundation fabric


I had a lovely cream and rose floral in the stash for the backing.


I quilted it with one of my boards


The top thread was Glide bright orange; bobbin was So Fine light gold. Binding is a mish-mash of leftover pieces.

Thursday, September 27, 2018


While paging through a quilting magazine, I saw an ad for a new fabric line called Misty. the picture of the quilt they made called to me. Theirs was blues and tans.

I didn't have enough of those colors to pull it off, so i did blues and reds. the pieces i cut are simple 2 1/2" squares and 2 1/2 x 4 1/2" pieces.

I cut out the pieces...

And the borders and binding.

Now it is just waiting for me to put it all together.....someday.  hahahaha

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


If you don't know about you might want to check them out. they have cute fabrics .... 4.99 per yard....and tons of bundles of FQs and half yards and more. And shipping is always $5.

That is where I got these fabrics. The fabric line is called Meow.... i believe by Riley Blake.

This started out as a jelly roll type quilt, but after 5 repeats, i realized it was longer than i wanted it to be, so rather than take some apart, i went to plan B and added some to the sides.

It is now 54x70 ... a good couch size.

There are about 6 or 8 different designs in this 5 or 6 different colors. they all are adorable.

I got a half yard bundle....then a couple days later, went back and got a FQ bundle, too. haha   I have enough leftovers that i might be able to piece a back...we'll see. i plan on binding it with plain black.

For now, it has to go live in the to-be-quilted cabinet.