The lowly cellar is getting transformed into a thing of beauty...well, the outside of it anyway. the inside is hopeless.
The outside of the window frame is painted....still gotta go inside and do that part. and, yeah, i know it is messy but this is old, crude construction from many years ago so i am doing the best i can. but check out that cool rock is getting a facelift also and is now a pretty cream to match the house.
And the door is done..inside and out...and the door frame.
And i have done some of the walls. the only part left is right around the door. that wall is tricky. it is made of stone and there are fissures in the stones that are tricky to get the paint in.
And of course i had help....well, supervision.
Miss Suzy has her own patio chair. LOL that chair has a story. it WAS a very nice recliner that i found in a thrift store. we decided to move it from the city home to the country home and threw it in the back of the truck and off we went. that chair weighs a TON. it was early sunday morning and we were doing about 60 down the freeway. all of a sudden, the chair goes flying out of the back of the pickup. of course, we did not tie it was heavy. well, lesson learned, 60mph down the freeway will pick up chairs out of the back of the truck. so, we take the next exit and go back and haul our chair out of the road and throw (drag) it back into the truck. tie it down this time...(yeah, yeah, we learn slow). by now it has a rip or 2 and the leg rest is not closing back up all the way. we get it to the country and jim takes a look at it and decides it is not to be helped.....the crash to the highway worked it over good. so, it sat on the back porch for a couple years and usually the dogs sat in it. this last summer dh wanted to burn it but i talked him into just moving it to the area by the is under cover and won't get rained on. so that is Suzy's favorite place to rest now. she even has a quilt to cover the bad spots. haha
I also have gotten 2 windows of the studio partly finished. i have caulked them and put the first coat of primer on them. and spraying wasps along the way. i don't know what happened to my pic of the painted windows, lost somewhere in cyberland. but here they are naked.
Tonight i might get up there and get the first coat of paint on them. it is pretty scary up there....picture a 10 foot ladder on top of the scaffolding and me up 4 steps on the ladder. i tie the ladder to the scaffolding...i'm a sissy.
This morning i gave up the cellar painting party in favor of making cookies for jim's open house tomorrow for his music recording studio. i made cowboy cookies...they have chocolate chips, nuts, and oatmeal. 2 batches made 7 dozen. and a batch of blarney stones...they have peanuts and raisins. jim is hoping they all don't get eaten so he can bring the rest back up to the house and munch them hisself. can't say i blame him.
Try and stay cool...go make yourself some cookies. i gotta go play with my new toys.
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