Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Alphabetizing the library

My sister's library is so cool. she has gorgeous shelves that she built herself. and a nice wood floor....that she laid herself. and 4000 books that i helped her collect.  and, yes, we will read them all.....we have a good start on it already. this is before the alphabetizing started. 

While i was at the Duck for the last few days, we got to talking about her library. i have always wanted to alphabetize the books....i'm just strange like that. hahaha   so, she said it was my job. so.....i got started Friday afternoon.

For a day and a half....i pulled all the books that the authors last name started with A, B, or C.  there were about 90 A's....a couple hundred Bs......and about 350 Cs.  there are books everywhere....on the shelves in the library.....on bookcases and end tables in the living room....in the bathroom....on the main stairs....on the back stairs...upstairs in my room.....upstairs in my sis's bedroom.....in the bedroom closet....in the sun room.  i looked at every single book in that house and pulled all the A's, B's and C's.

These are the Cs. when my sis went home on saturday to check on the dogs, i got these all in order that evening. so, when she came back the next day we got them checked in the list and on the shelves. then i pulled the D's.

Then came the project of putting them in order. that took another day. my ass was dragging by time that was done. sore all over. as i got them in order, we checked them against the list and marked whether they were a paperback or not....cause we want to replace the paperbacks with hardbacks if possible. and somewhere there are about 30 missing. so, either i missed them in the search....or there are more books hidden somewhere.

But, after 3 days, i have 993 books alphabetized......that covers A through D.  and fills up one whole wall and part of a bookcase on the next wall. the next time i go down there i will work a couple more letters. i may be done by the end of the year. LOL

These are the As and the Bs

As i went through i added bunnies and left a few spaces for more books. this bunny is Anne...she is in the As

This bunny is Betty. she likes the Sandra Brown books

And this is Bonnie. She likes living among the Bs

I didn't get the picture of the whole wall full through the Ds.  i think i was sick of books by then. Es for the next trip...there are a lot of Evanovich ..... sis better built more shelves faster. hahahaha

We have one cool library.

1 comment:

Vicki W said...

I see 18mm Blues I there. I loved that book!

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