Friday, June 25, 2010

More Quiltazoid toys arrived today.

I loaded one of my donation tops onto the frame last night cause i knew more Quiltazoid toys were arriving UPS. usually our UPS driver comes really early...she has been known to catch me in my jammies. So, i actually got dressed this morning and was making cookies and waiting for my delivery.

Well, cookie making was done, dishes all washed, cookies all packaged up and no UPS delivery. Bummer!!...perhaps it's not coming today after all. so i decided to go over to the studio and do something...even if it's wrong....with instructions to dh to bring my packages over to me immediately when they get here.

Imagine my surprise when i get to the door of the studio and there are my 2 packages inside the doors. must have been the substitute driver...he usually leaves things at the studio. it is much handier to park there than to drive all the way up the driveway to the house and then have to back down the hill and turn around by the barn.

These packages were HEAVY. Adam made me an aluminum table hopes of not having to raise my machine to  use the continuous templates. i hope it works.....i shall find out in a day or two. there are 4 pieces like this....very thin....but very heavy.

And in the second box were some of my continuous templates....oh boy...oh boy....oh boy...

I got the clamshells...

And the baptist fans

And a personal favorite....the enchanted garden. check this out....rambling vines and leaves....and HOLES....yep, holes.

Each template has 4 holes. and you can get the coolest flowers to put in those holes. There are 5 different sets of flowers available now. you get 4 flowers in each set. i got all of them except the tulips. here they are. the tulips seemed weird to me...they don't grow on vines...of course, neither do daisies or other flowers....but, i don't know....tulips didn't do it for me. LOL

They just pop into the template and away you stitch. you can use the same flowers in each pass or use different flowers and jazz it up. how cool is that. and there is a little hole so you can get the flower template back out. as you quilt along and get to the next template....there are 5 in just pop the flowers out and put them in the next template and keep on going. i love them.

And when you get your system you get a folder from Linda and Adam with instructions and a DVD. the last time i dyed some tshirts i used a folder cover as my 'rag' to clean up. so i put it on the quiltazoid folder....i think i need to paint 'Quiltazoid' on it....or something.

Now i gotta go play with my toys. stay tuned for results.

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