Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Crumb quilt top is pieced

Ta-Da!!  after 18 months and a couple spools of thread....the crumb top is MIGHT get quilted next month...or not.

I've been saving all my tiny pieces and when i got a bowl full....i sit and chain stitch them all together and make 5" blocks.

I had about 510 blocks but wound up not using them all. it grew pretty quickly.

I wish i knew how many different fabrics are in here....but i don't have that info. probably hundreds.

I added a 5 inch border so i could put 4 more blocks in the corners.

For you statisticians:

95 x 108 inches
set 19 x 22 blocks
total blocks used = 432
block size = 5" square
least number of pieces in a block = 5
most pieces in a block = 26
average number of pieces per row = 223
total number of pieces = 4,979

And i have about 70 blocks left over to start the next crumb quilt. which will be....much..



Tonya Ricucci said...

fantastic. really works, well. you did a great job of including lots of lights in there!

Janette said...

What a great way of using up your scraps.. Looks great.

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