Thursday, January 8, 2015

Birds and Blooms

Another UFO bites the dust...this one started April 20, 2013. I swear i don't remember it. 

It's about 64" square. i always notice something i could have done differently when i take the pics...after it is too late to do anything about it. i think i should have put a thin orange border between the bird block and those strip blocks. 


I don't know where that bird panel came from


I do like the string blocks. notice how all the middle strips are the same brown and make a pattern around the middle block...and that both sides of the blocks are the same strips.


I don't know why i kept this hideous backing fabric. must have come in that truckload of stuff i bought. but it is gone now. haha


Top thread was Glide Forest Green. i wanted to use a dark blue but didn't have one. bobbin thread was So Fine Lilac. we won't talk about how it was quilted....just look at the last 2 or 3 quilts. haha


I don't see anyone wanting to buy this one so it will be a donation somewhere. surely there is a cat or dog somewhere that needs a blankie. haha

Quilt #3 for 2015

1 comment:

Nancie said...

Congrats on another UFO completed!! Love your Birds & Blooms quilt design using the strip blocks as a border.

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