Sunday, February 2, 2020

Vicki's Squares

I seem to steal borrow a lot of quilt pics from Vicki Welsh's blog. she has some cool stuff. This is something I saw a week or two ago.

I cut my squares at 5". I had some floral I wanted to use up, so that was the border.

I chose the colors from the flowers in the border.

I had enough, so i added another couple of rows at the top and bottom to use up all the floral fabric. Actually, I was short 2 floral blocks, so i substituted another can tell if you really look for it.

A great stash buster. Thanks, Vicki. 


Vicki W said...

That is awesome! Now I know that mine will look OK!

Susan said...

So I ran through all the February posts, and you did a ton more than orange! This is a cute little quilt and happy fabrics. A great stash buster and relatively fast quilt. Especially with a longarm. =)

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