Friday, September 30, 2016

Garage graffiti is finished till spring

After a quick 2 day trip to the Duck....the one side of the garage is finished.  Now we shall see how the star and the row quilt survive the winter and if i continue or not.

Here is the whole finished row quilt.


Here are close ups of row row

row 1 L.jpg

row 1 R.jpg

And row 2. 

row 2 L.jpg

row 2 R.jpg

And the whole side together

whole side.jpg

Funny story....hubby went with me to help hang the last pieces. and i had raked up a whole pile of rocks in front of that graffiti. he also helped me pick up all the rocks and we emptied about 6 wheelbarrows of rock. now the yard guy won't pick any up with his mower...i hope...and knock off graffiti.

Look to the left of this pic....there is a space between the garage and the house. probably 5 foot wide and about 10 foot deep.  i was dumping the wheelbarrows full of rock in that space. I looked over, and there sat an empty quart whiskey bottle....sitting on a napkin.  I am assuming someone wandered through the yard....people cross through a lot to get to the next street....since there is no fence...anyway, someone wandered through, saw the space and thought it would be a nice spot to chill out and get wasted. haha   There is a roof over that spot, so it is out of the rain and wind. I was shocked. haha   hubby says i might need to close that space off to discourage squatters who might burn my house down. good thought.  i do want to take that roofing down off of there, so that would discourage any people in there, too. i have to figure that out.

Anyway, graffiti is done for a while. i am playing with leather now. 

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